Central Dispatch 9-1-1
Hillsdale County 9-1-1/Central Dispatch is the public service answering point (PSAP) for Hillsdale County. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with 10 full-time dispatchers.
9-1-1 Accessible Devices
There are several types of devices that currently have the capability of accessing the 9-1-1 network. The following is some important information regarding landline phones, cellular phones, payphones, and VoIP phones.
9-1-1 Text Messages
Hillsdale County is now capable of receiving emergency texts to 9-1-1 when residents are unable to or it is unsafe to make a 9-1-1 voice call. Text-to-911 is intended for use in emergency situations. Read more to determine if you should use texting in emergencies.
How to Reach Us
Call 9-1-1 to reach the Dispatch Center 24 X 7 for Police, Fire, or Ambulance for both Emergency and Non-Emergency calls. If you are calling from outside Hillsdale County, you may dial 517-439-9913 to reach the Dispatch Center 24 X 7.
Central Dispatch Summary
Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS Agencies
911 Dispatchers answered 57,483 incoming calls in 2024 and created 13,264 We also received outbound calls equaling 68047 total calls.
Central Dispatch Telecommunication Jobs
We are currently hiring until all positions are filled.
9-1-1 Statistics for Ambulance, Fire & Law Enforcement
Yearly statistical reports for Ambulance, Fire and Law Enforcement. Questions about the reports can be directed to 517-437-9911.