165 W Fayette Street 517-437-7317 Emergencies: Call 9-1-1

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Sheriff Scott B. Hodshire

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Hillsdale County Sheriff's Office

165 W. Fayette St.
Hillsdale, MI 49242

Emergencies: Call 9-1-1
(517) 437-7317
Toll free (800) 437-7317

The Hillsdale County Sheriff's Office is committed to serving the residents of Hillsdale County by providing quality law enforcement services. Our office has numerous divisions in place to detect, deter and eliminate criminal activity in Hillsdale County.

Our professional Command Staff provide the backbone of our department and provide leadership to each division. Our divisions consist of some of the most highly qualified, skilled and tactically sound police officers in within Hillsdale County and the State of Michigan. Deputies have logged in thousands of hours at various training programs, seminars, field exercises, combat scenarios and special operations all in an effort to keep our community safe. Read more about each of our divisions and their functions.

  • PATROL - The Uniform Division, Traffic Services, Civil Services, Mounted Division and K-9 Unit.
  • OPERATIONS - The Dispatch Division, Dive Team, SWAT Team, and Marine Patrol Division.  
  • INVESTIGATION The Detective Bureau, Crime Scene Bureau, Death Investigation Unit and the Internet Crime Unit.
  • CORRECTIONS - The Hillsdale County Jail Services. 

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