Mi-File For Electronic Filing and Serving of Documents for 2B District Court
Hillsdale 2B District Court is now an e-filing court which can process electronic filing and serving of documents online. It will not provide public access to court records. Court records can be requested by contacting the court directly. Click here to access TrueFiling. You may also view a video for more information.
Small Claims
Small claims can be filed in the 2nd District Court, and the following links can provide helpful information.
Expungement Information
Michigan law on expungements has changed. It is now easier to set aside a greater number and more types of convictions.
Request a Transcript
Court transcripts for 2B District Court of Hillsdale County may be requested through Modern Court Reporting & Video, LLC. Click to fill out the Transcript Request Form and follow instructions on the form.
Classes for Probationers
Probationers should contact their probation officer to determine which type of class is appropriate and consistent with their terms of probation.
Advice of Rights & Plea Information
The Advice of Rights and Plea Information advises you of your rights during arraignment. Click the link that pertains to your hearing before your arraignment.
Remote Participation Guidelines
The Michigan Supreme Court implemented Administrative Order 2020-6 (April 7, 2020) which gave authority to judicial officers to conduct proceeding remotely.
District Court Fines & Costs
Listing of the most common fines and costs are provided for informational purposes. Up-to-date fines and costs information for these and all other violations can be obtained by contacting District Court.

Pay Fines
You may pay some fines online, by phone or in person (cash, check, money order, debit or credit.
Online Docket
District Court 2b Online Docket hosted by the State of Michigan SCAO/JIS.
Approved Bonds List
Click to download Approved Bond Companies 2023 (pdf document)
Pre-Sentence Investigation Form
Click here to view Pre-sentence Investigation Form (pdf fillable form). Once the form has been completed and signed, please print and mail or hand deliver it to District Court Probation at 49 N. Howell Street, Hillsdale, MI 49242.
Eviction Diversion Program (EDP)
Help for tenant and landlords to resolve eviction cases without the need for a trial before a Judge.
District Court Jurisdiction
Click to view jurisdiction information for the the 2B District Court. The District Court, with which citizens have more contact than any other court, processes case filings that are initiated by law enforcement, businesses and private citizens.
District Court Dress Code & Guidelines
Please read the District Court dress code and guidelines required for all individuals who appear before the Court. If you are not dressed in proper attire or do not follow the guidelines, your matter may be adjuourned.