29 N Howell Street 517-437-7758

Hillsdale County has teamed with Amalgam LLC for our latest GIS Interactive Web Mapping Application.
Click link or image below to view parcel information.

FetchGIS Interactive Web Application


Hillsdale County Equalization & Land Information/GIS
Equalization Director - Nicolas Wheeler

Email: nwheeler@co.hillsdale.mi.us

Deputy Director - Lisa Bernath

Email: lbernath@co.hillsdale.mi.us

Description Analyst/GIS Technician - Julie Beeker

Clerk/Assistant Description Analyst - Vacant

Staff Appraiser - Anita Myers

Telephone: (517) 439-9166

Equalization Office Information

County Office Building
33 McCollum St.
Room 223
Hillsdale, MI 49242

8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.



Michigan Compiled Law Section 211.34 subsection 3 mandates the function of the County Equalization function.

What does M.C.L. 211.34(3) say?

The county board of commissioners of a county shall establish and maintain a department to survey assessments and assist the board of commissioners in the matter of equalization of assessments, and may employ in that department technical and clerical personnel which in its judgment are considered necessary.  The personnel of the department shall be under the direct supervision and control of a director of the tax or equalization department who may designate an employee of the department as his or her deputy.  The director of the county tax or equalization department shall be appointed by the county board of commissioners. The county board of commissioners, through the department, may furnish assistance to local assessing officers in the performance of duties imposed upon those officers by this act, including the development and maintenance of accurate property descriptions, the discovery, listing, and valuation of properties for tax purposes, and the development and use of uniform valuation standards and techniques for the assessment of property.



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